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Iyanla Black

Academic Porfolio 
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Our work


Pea Lab

Goal: To see if peas truly breathe. 

My procedure: 

1) We placed a piece of tissue into the glass tube and added a solution.

2) Placed a small piece of cotton on top to prevent the peas from touching the solution

3) Continued to place the peas the on top of the cotton and secure it with the glass  measure. 

4) Placed food coloring on the tip of the measure to see when the air bubbles where released. 


What I am doing


How does origami connect to math?Thought as the art of paper folding making sculptures or paper birds. In origami we look into the concepts of origami the math and how it can be connected to real world situations.

German Thaanngg!!

How do we help? How as one high school student make a difference? I have helped charities before by donating or volunteering for a few hours. In German Thang we want to find a way to help but make it more personal make a greater impact touch the lives of a few people or maybe just one. 


Makeup Inquiry Block

My friend Marissa and I our looking into cosmetic companies. There foundation ranges. Most drug store companies have large selection of lighter shades very few deeper and darker shades. High end brands carry very large range but they are very expensive.    


" The best teachers our those who show you where to look, but don't tell you what to see" 

- Alexander K Trenfor 

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